That being said, casino games involve luck, so there is no harm in trying it once - install it, max bet, and maybe you hit a huge jackpot that you can use to start Roulette. You'll die in the 50s or 60s even with 100 million chips. The XP required to level seems to go exponential, and even with a decent purchase you wont get enough chips to run Roulette up to 100. I would suggest not bothering with this one. Also, do not use autoclikers on Android, it's a red flag. Reaching out to their support didn't help anything, once you're blocked, that's it, they will take away your chips from the blocked account as well.
I've done it on InstaGC a few weeks back basically following the same guide as u/Segneur posted, so I can't redo it (sadly), but I can confirm that purchasing the Casino pass and doing it with two accounts, just mostly playing Poker in a private table worked very well.ĭo however mix it up over time (it's tedious, I know), use different bets (high, but no always all-in), calls vs folding and perhaps add some roulette and slots in-between since one of my accounts got blocked for chip transferring at level 91. This offer is now on the AdGate offerwall for a whopping total of 30K SBs (shy a few):